كتاب Color Atlas of Oral Diseases PDF محمد مصطفى زيدان : 1988م - 1443هـ Color Atlas of Oral Diseases George Laskaris, D. D. S. , M. D. Foreword by Gerald Shklar Second edition, revised and expanded 555 illustrations Preface to the First Edition Oral medicine is a rapidly growing clinical specialty encompassing the diagnosis and treatment of patients with a wide spectrum of disorders involving the oral cavity. To achieve the optimum goals, oral medical clinicians have to broaden their knowledge bases and practice their clinical skills. When 1 first started to work in this field 20 years ago, I could not imagine the variety of disorders that affect the oral cavity, including genetic diseases, infections, cancers, blood diseases, skin diseases, endocrine and metabolic disorders, autoimmune and rheumatologic diseases, local lesions, to name a few. Fortunately, the oral cavity is accessible to visual examination, and I have attempted to record oral lesions in color slides. During my career as a stomatologist, I have collected more than 25,000 clinical color slides that encompass a broad spectrum of common and rare oral diseases. The most representative and educationally useful illustrations have been used in this Atlas. Almost all color slides have been taken by me with a Nikon-Medical camera. This book is the distillation of my clinical experience and is intended to aid primarily the practicing dentist, the specialist in oral medicine, the oral pathologist and surgeon, the dermatologist, and otorhinolaryngologist to solve the diagnostic problems posed by oral diseases. It can also be valuable to dental and medical students, general internists, pediatricians, and other medical specialists. This book is not a complete reference work of oral medicine and should be used in conjunction with current textbooks and articles regarding recommendations on treatment and new diagnostic techniques that are beyond its scope. The material of the Atlas is divided into 33 chapters. Each entity is accompanied by color plates and a description of the clinical features, differential diagnosis, helpful laboratory tests, and a brief statement on treatment. Selective bibliography and index are included. I hope that the Atlas will serve as a comprehensive pictorial guide for diagnostic problems in the mouth and it will find its way in the places where the battle against oral diseases is waged daily, that is dental schools, hospitals, and private practice offices. Athens, 1988 GEORGE LASKARIS, D.D.S., M.D. Laskaris' Color Atlas of Oral Diseases, a highly successful diagnostic atlas now in its third edition, aids physicians in solving diagnostic problems and preparing their own outline of treatment. The entire spectrum of both local diseases and oral manifestations of systemic diseases is presented. Each disease is illustrated by outstanding representative clinical color photographs juxtaposed with a concise text delineating the clinical signs and symptoms. For the third edition, the text has been thoroughly revised to keep pace with new concepts in oral medicine. The structure of the text has been clarified and made more practically useful, with references to etiology, clinical images, differential diagnosis, laboratory diagnostic tests, and therapy guidelines. Also new in the third edition: four new chapters, and more than 240 new, exquisite illustrations of lesions and pathologic conditions affecting the oral cavity. .
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