تحميل كتاب Endodontics Problem-Solving in Clinical Practice PDF عمر ضمايدة

كتاب Endodontics Problem-Solving in Clinical Practice

Endodontics Problem-Solving in Clinical Practice
  • إسم المؤلف:
  • عدد الصفحات :
  • غير معروف
  • القسم :
  • صحة وطب
  • الفئة :
  • طب الأسنان
  • تاريخ النشر :
  • غير معروف
  • حجم الكتاب :
  • 0.0 ميجا بايت
  • نوع الملف :
  • PDF
  • عدد التحميلات :
  • 615

نبذة عن كتاب Endodontics Problem-Solving in Clinical Practice :

كتاب Endodontics Problem-Solving in Clinical Practice PDF عمر ضمايدة : 2002م - 1443هـ CONTENTS Acknowledgements vi Preface vii 1 History, diagnosis and treatment planning 1 2 Three-dimensional root canal anatomy 27 3 Preparation prior to endodontics 45 4 Isolation 65 5 Root canal preparation 79 6 Irrigation and medication 111 7 Obturation techniques 121 8 Root canal retreatment 137 9 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth 149 10 Complex endodontic problems 165 11 Endodontic care of permanent teeth in children 179 12 Endodontic emergencies 195 Index PREFACE This book has been primarily written for the practising dental practitioner, who would like to be updated in modern clinical endodontics, although it will also be of benefit for practitioners with a special interest in endodontics. With the rise in patient expectations about retaining endodontically involved posterior teeth as well as anteriors, busy dental practitioners need to be aware of current views on diagnosis and treatment. A problem-solving approach has been adopted since patients present with individual prob- lems, which require predictable and effective solutions. Considerable emphasis is placed on arriving at a reliable diagnosis, and making both the process and the outcome of treatment pre- dictable. With practitioners increasingly presented with patients who have failed root canal treatment, a section is devoted to the effective management of these cases. The days of a 'try it and see' approach have passed; practitioners are now expected to make the correct diagnosis and carry out the appropriate treatment to a high standard, or to refer the patient to a suitably trained person who can. The book is profusely illustrated to help the reader understand the conditions and techniques being described. The text has been written in an easy-to-read style devoid of original references, but further reading is included at the end of chapters. The authors hope that patients will be the main beneficiaries and that those practitioners who have struggled with root canal treatment will now find their work easier. TR Pitt Ford JS Rhodes HE Pitt Ford .

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