كتاب SEMANTICS The Study of Meaning 6 PDF بيتر هولاند : 1958م - 1443هـ SEMANTICS The Study of Meaning 6 p to now, this book has focused on the form of utterances—their sound pattern, morphological structure, and syntactic organization. But there is more to language than just form. In order for language to fulfill its communicative function, utterances must also convey a message; they must have content. Speaking very generally, we can call this message or content the utterance's meaning. This chapter is concerned with semantics, the study of meaning in human language. Because some work in this complicated area of linguistic analysis presupposes considerable knowledge of other disciplines (particularly logic, mathematics, and philosophy), not all aspects of contemporary semantics are suitable for presentation in an introductory linguistics textbook. We will re- strict our attention here to four major topics in semantics. the nature of meaning, some properties of the conceptual system underlying meaning, the contribution of syntactic structure to the interpretation of sentences, and the role of nongrammatical factors in the understanding of utterances. .
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