تحميل كتاب The Five People You Meet In Heaven PDF شهاب الدين ابو العباس الزبيدي

كتاب The Five People You Meet In Heaven

The Five People You Meet In Heaven

نبذة عن كتاب The Five People You Meet In Heaven :

كتاب The Five People You Meet In Heaven PDF شهاب الدين ابو العباس الزبيدي : 2003م - 1443هـ The Five People You Meet In Heaven This bookis dedicated to Edward Beitchman, my beloved uncle, who gave me my frst concept of heaven. Every year, around the Thanksgiving table, he spoke of a night in the hospital when he awoke to see the souk af his departed loyed ones sittingon the edge of the bed, waitingfir him.I never firgot that story. And I neter firgot him. Everyone has an idea of heaven, as do most religions, and they should all be respected. The yersion represented here is only a yess, a wish, in some ways, that my uncle, and others like him-people who frb unimportant here on edrth-realize, fnally, how much they mattered and how they were loyed .

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