كتاب 7 PHONETICS PDF Daniel Jurafsky : 2007م - 1443هـ 7 PHONETICS The debate between the “whole language” and “phonics” methods of teaching reading to children seems at very glance like a purely modern educational debate. Like many modern debates, however, this one recapitulates an important historical dialectic, in this case in writing systems. The earliest independently-invented writing systems (Sumerian, Chinese, Mayan) were mainly logographic: one symbol represented a whole word. But from the earliest stages we can find, most such systems contain elements of syllabic or phonemic writing systems, in which symbols are used to represent the sounds that make up the words. Thus the Sumerian symbol pronounced ba and meaning “ration” could also function purely as the sound /ba/. Even modern Chinese, which remains primarily logographic, uses sound-based characters to spell out foreign words. Purely sound-based writing systems, whether syllabic (like Japanese hiragana or katakana), alphabetic (like the Roman alphabet used in this book), or consonantal (like Semitic writing systems), can generally be traced back to these early logo-syllabic systems, often as two cultures came together. .
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